We found 10 articles with the tag “us politics”.
Episode 84: Murder for Hire
August 11th, 2021
american politics, correctional officer, corrupt, domestic terrorism, florida, florida prisons, gilda oliveros, hialeah gardens, mayor, murder for hire, murder plot, podcast, politics, prisons, racist, true crime, us politics, white supremacy -
Episode 83: Hold My Beer
August 4th, 2021
alva adams, american politics, ballots, bonus army, colorado, corrupt, election fraud, fdr, governor seat, herbert hoover, james peabody, military benefits, military camp, patton, politics, roosevelt, true crime, us military, us politics, veteran, voter fraud, voters, washington dc -
Episode 82: #TeamWets
July 28th, 2021
alcohol, american politics, bribery, child abuse, corrupt, dennis hastert, illinois, methanol, poison, politics, prohibition, speaker of the house, true crime, us government, us politics, washington dc -
Episode 81: Go do something!
July 21st, 2021
american politics, brownsville, brownsville independent school district, corrupt, donald buz lukens, ohio, ohio politics, politics, school board, sylvia atkinson, texas, texas politics, true crime, us house representative, us politics -
Episode 80: Camelot, my ass!
July 14th, 2021
affairs, american politics, corrupt, james e. davis, jfk, john f. kennedy, kennedy mistresses, mistresses, murder, new york, new york city hall, politics, scandal, true crime, us politics -
Episode 79: Cut the Hair
July 7th, 2021
american politics, corrupt, county commissioners, detroit, feds, gambling scandal, kickback scandal, oklahoma, okscam, politics, richard reading, true crime, us politics -
Episode 78: Gonorrhea Joe
June 30th, 2021
abortion, american politics, assassination, attorney general, corrupt, duel, gay rights, governor, kansas, kentucky, phill kline, politics, romeo and juliet law, true crime, us politics, william goebel -
Episode 77: Sell the House!
June 23rd, 2021
american politics, coppell texas, corrupt, depression, ethics, fraud, governor, jayne peters, john kitzhaber, murder suicide, oregon, politics, scandal, suicide, true crime, us politics -
Episode 75: Perverted Wavelength
June 2nd, 2021
acoustic kitty, american politics, bombing, cia, cold war, corrupt, cuba, false accusations, fidel castro, groveland four, lake county florida, politics, russia, true crime, us politics, willis mccall -
Episode 74: Perfectly Perfect
May 26th, 2021
activist, american politics, bribery, civil rights, corrupt, crooked, dc, drug use, extortion, fall river, jasiel correia, marion barry, mayor, politics, recall election, reelected, scandal, true crime, us politics, washington dc, womanizer